6 Things You Must Do if You’re Involved in a Car Accident During a Road Trip in the USA

Things to Do After an Accident During a Road Trip


Road trips can be fun. But they also mean being at the risk of getting in an accident because it means being on the move most of the time. Getting in an accident while on a road trip can be a huge spoiler.

It gets you from enjoying a time of your life to having the worst time. If another person caused your accident, you might have a bit of reprieve by suing them for damages caused, we suggest you contact a Lawrenceville car accident attorney.

Things to Do After an Accident During a Road Trip

1.      Remain at the Scene

After an accident, it is not uncommon to have the at-fault driver trying to flee the scene. Fleeing the scene is never a good idea, even when your injuries may not be severe.

In some states, fleeing the scene of an accident is a criminal offense that could cost you a lot more than the accident damages. Also, you could be held liable for the accident even when you aren’t, so always ensure you wait until the police arrive.

2.     Check Yourself and Others for Injuries

The impact of an accident is enough to cause the strongest people to go into a state of heightened anxiety. When in a state of heightened anxiety, it is possible not to feel pain even when you are injured. So it is important to check yourselves for injuries.

You may also need to check for injuries to other vehicle occupants, including the at-fault party. Even as you check for injuries, call 911 to bring medical assistance to the accident scene.

3.     Get Medical Help

After coming to the scene, paramedics will first attend to those with visible injuries. After the most severely injured are taken care of, they turn to other people involved in the accident. Even when you don’t feel injured, it’s important to accept medical help at the scene to rule out the possibility of injuries that may not be apparent.

After getting help at the scene, follow it up with a visit to the ER. Seeing the doctor serves several factors, including upholding your health, linking your accident to injuries, and producing documentation necessary to make a solid case.

4.     Gather Evidence at the Scene

The best time to gather evidence in an accident is at the scene when nothing is tampered with. All you need to gather evidence at the scene is to take some pictures and record video footage of every important detail using your phone.

If your injuries can’t allow you, you can ask someone else to do it for you. While at the scene, do not forget to get witness contacts, testimonies, and the other driver’s insurance and contact information. Once you have documented the scene, pass the evidence to your lawyer for safekeeping. “Collecting evidence is crucial in any traffic accident lawsuit. It can make or break your case, so be sure to gather as much information as possible at the scene.” – Dixon Injury Firm, Lawyer.

5.     Contact a Local Attorney

Not all accidents will require hiring a lawyer.

However, hiring a lawyer may be a good idea if you are involved in a serious auto accident because it can help increase your chance of getting a fair outcome.

If your accident happens outside your state, a local injury lawyer is the best person for your case, not anyone from back home. For example, if you are involved in a serious road accident in New Port Richey, working with a lawyer based in New Port Richey is the best option because they will have better insight into local laws.

6.     Inform Your Insurer

Most car insurers require policyholders to inform them in the event of an accident, even when they are not to blame.

So if you are not sure about your insurer’s conditions, it is best to inform them to be on the safe side. Failing to inform your insurer when you are supposed to can void your claim, and you want to avoid that at all costs.

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