5 Things To Bring On Every Airplane Journey For Optimal Comfort

Here are five things to bring on every airplane journey for constant comfort


Airplanes are masterful feats of engineering that have forever changed travel. We’re now in the privileged position of being able to fly across the world for a few thousand dollars. It’s insane, yet the convenience leads to so many fantastic travel possibilities. 

That said, air travel isn’t always a five-star experience; it can be frustrating for some and downright painful for others. You’re not always lucky enough to fly first-class, so here are five things to bring on every airplane journey for constant comfort: 

Noise-Canceling Headphones

A good pair of noise-canceling headphones will quickly become your favorite travel accessory. They block out as much ambient noise as possible, letting you feel quietly tucked away in your own bubble. Play some relaxing music or watch a movie, and you’ll forget you’re on a plane with hundreds of people around you! 

Chewing Gum (Or A Sucky Sweet)

Always bring some gum to chew when you fly on a plane – or a sweet to suck if you’re feeling rebellious! Airlines used to hand out sweets before taking off because chewing or sucking on something would prevent your ears from popping. This is one of the biggest hearing considerations when flying and can lead to pain or excess pressure in your ears. Chewing gum will stop this horrible sensation by opening your eustachian tubes and stopping the pressure from building up. 

Neck Pillow

Airplane seats are notoriously horrible to sit in. The worst part is not knowing where to rest your head if you want to sleep. That’s why a good-quality neck pillow is a worthwhile investment – don’t buy the cheapest one in the airport; do lots of research to find one that’s genuinely comfortable and helps you relax. You want to be able to sit back and sleep without your head lolling everywhere and without your neck feeling sore after an hour or so. 

Compression Socks

Many travelers experience leg swelling when they fly, thanks to the changes in pressure and the lack of moving around. This can make you feel a bit icky, but compression socks sort it out. These socks are designed to compress your calves and encourage circulation. As such, you shouldn’t experience any swelling or achiness, giving you one less thing to worry about while flying. 

Moisturizer & Lip Balm

Airplanes will pump loads of air conditioning throughout the cabin during your trip. This could mean your skin is exposed to multiple hours’ worth of the stuff, which will dry it out. If you’re sick of feeling ashy and dry on an airplane, then bring some moisturizer and lip balm in your carry-on bag. You can rehydrate and nourish your face/lips to feel endlessly more comfortable throughout the journey. 

Bring these five items on every airplane journey and you’ll feel extremely better about flying. Many of your gripes – or things that made you uncomfortable – are no more! You can sit back, relax, and enjoy the in-flight entertainment or close your eyes for a few hours of peaceful sleep before arriving at your destination.

Travel Begins at 40

Travel Begins at 40 Editor

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